man using map

How to be consistent: Mindset and habits

The new year is around the corner. You tell yourself that this next year will be one where you get your life together. You’re hopeful and motivated to make the best of the following year. You’re going to work on …
weight of dysfunction

8 Dysfunctional family roles to know about

There are systems everywhere in nature. A system has parts that do their work to sustain the system and make it work. If one part of a system changes or breaks down, it can change or break down the whole …
emotions cancelled

Emotionally immature parents (Impact & healing)

Emotional maturity is the ability to acknowledge emotions in oneself and others. Of course, you can only recognize and validate the emotions of others if you acknowledge and validate your own emotions. In other words, only when you have a …
covert narcissist hiding

Covert narcissist checklist: 15 Items

Narcissism is of two types- overt and covert.1 Overt narcissists are your usual, extroverted narcissists who openly display their sense of superiority and lack of empathy. They tend to have a high self-esteem. Covert or vulnerable narcissists, on the other …
i love dad

Narcissistic father checklist: 7 Items

If looking at the above image made you feel uncomfortable at worst or nothing at best, there’s a good chance you were raised by a narcissistic father. Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by a lack of empathy, an inflated …

Anhedonia vs Apathy: 5 Key differences

Anhedonia is a reduced ability or inability to derive pleasure from activities from which you previously derived pleasure. It has two main types: 1. Physical anhedonia It’s the inability to derive pleasure from stimulating one or more of the five …
psychmechanics featured in