5 Things a woman needs in a relationship

emotionally supportive man

The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?’ – Sigmund Freud Relationships are based on the mutual fulfillment of needs. When the needs of both partners are more or …

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7 Signs your husband is emotionally cheating

emotional cheating victim

People tend to think cheating only involves being physically intimate with another person. Previously, I’ve talked about how there are different types of intimacy. In a romantic, committed relationship, the levels of intimacy tend to be the highest. When one partner cheats, the intimacy level decreases, causing damage to the relationship. This decrease in intimacy …

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Is Psychology a useless degree?

getting psychology degree

There’s a scene in the movie Circle (highly recommended, by the way) where a woman introduces herself and says she has studied Psychology. One of the guys listening contemptuously and sarcastically says: “Oh, that’s useful.” Being a Psychology enthusiast, that scene disappointed me. I know that’s not how a lot of people think. But many …

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10 Signs your mother hates you

hateful mother

For many, it’s hard to imagine that a mother can hate her own child. This is because mothers typically invest more in their offspring than fathers. For this reason, a mother’s love is considered ‘divine’ and ‘pure’. However, there are exceptions to this norm. Some mothers do hate their children. Some mothers treat their children …

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How to detach from someone you love deeply

As social species, humans are wired to get attached to other humans. We experience strong attachments to our genetic relatives, romantic partners, and friends. What does attachment mean? It means being emotionally attuned to, and invested in, someone. When you’re emotionally attuned to someone, you feel a bond with them. Their emotions affect your emotions. …

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Is it normal for my girlfriend to hit me? Yes & No


Physical violence in any shape or form is generally unacceptable and illegal. I say ‘generally’ because, in some situations, it can be okay and even necessary. Self-defense, for example. Intimate partner violence, unfortunately, is common. And both genders are equally guilty. Studies show that men and women initiate physical violence in intimate relationships at equal …

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Why do I suck at everything?

man sucking at everything

I know the mental state you’re in right now. It sucks to think you suck at everything. You feel like you’re the opposite of King Midas. Instead of gold, everything you touch turns to crap. Being bad at things isn’t good. It leads to feelings of inferiority, insecurity, low self-esteem, and depression. It negatively impacts …

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Emotional appeal in advertising: Why it works

emotional appeal in marketing and advertising

Advertisements generally have two kinds of appeal- rational appeal and emotional appeal. Using rational appeal in advertising means giving your target audience a logical reason to buy from you. Using emotional appeal in advertising involves creating an emotional connection between your brand and your target audience. An advertisement- any advertisement- is an offer made by …

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16 Motivation theories in psychology (Summary)

Theories of motivation attempt to explain what motivates human behaviour, especially in the context of a workplace. Motivation theories try to explain what motivates workers in the hopes of yielding insights that can help organizations improve the productivity of their workers. Though motivation theories largely focus on business contexts, understanding them can help you understand …

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Types of needs (Maslow’s theory)

Abraham Maslow, a humanistic psychologist, arranged the different types of needs in a hierarchy. Humanistic psychologists believed in humanism, an approach that assumed humans have inherently good qualities and potential for achieving greatness. Maslow formulated his theory in the first half of the 20th century when psychodynamic and behaviouristic approaches dominated the field of psychology. …

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