Complex PTSD test

person with complex trauma

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a recognized mental health condition in which the sufferer experiences intrusive memories, flashbacks, and nightmares about their traumatic event. PTSD is often caused by a one-time traumatic event such as being in a war, accident, or a natural disaster. Over time, experts studying PTSD realized that traumatic experiences are not …

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Irritable Male Syndrome quiz

Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS), or the ‘grumpy old man’ phenomenon, is when older men are constantly angry and irritable. Also called andropause, it’s the male version of menopause. Men with IMS seem to have a short fuse, always complaining and about to explode. While it’s not an officially recognized condition, insightful books have been written …

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Emotional permanence test

man with emotional impermanence

What is emotional permanence? Emotional permanence is defined as the capacity to believe that others love and care about you even when they’re apart or not actively expressing their love and care. It’s believing that others’ feelings for you are permanent. Emotional permanence increases the sense of trust and security in the relationship. Emotional permanence …

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Emotionally immature parents (Quiz)

emotionally immature mom scared child

Emotional immaturity is acting in ways that show you can’t manage your emotions. We all experience emotions. They’re a double-edged sword. Sometimes, they have a good impact on our lives. Other times, they have negative consequences. Emotional maturity is knowing when your emotions can harm yourself and/or others. Researchers have divided emotional immaturity in parents …

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4 Types of OCD (Test)

ocd hand-washing

What is OCD? Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a recognized mental disorder in which a person suffers from obsessive, fear-based thoughts and compulsions to act out in ways that ease those fears. Obsession means you’re thinking about something over and over. Compulsion means you feel compelled to act in ways that are primarily out of your …

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High-functioning anxiety test (Instant results)

high-functioning anxiety meter

The word disorder in Psychology indicates that a condition is causing significant disruption and dysfunction in a person’s life. So, a person with an anxiety disorder has to battle the dysfunction that their anxiety creates for them.1Doering, S., Blüml, V., Parth, K., Feichtinger, K., Gruber, M., Aigner, M., … & Wininger, A. (2018). Personality functioning …

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Is my boss a narcissist? (Quiz)

narcissistic boss's attitude

Narcissism in the workplace One of the defining characteristics of narcissism is being preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited power and success. Another is constantly seeking admiration and praise. Combining those two will give you a person who will strive for success and status. Narcissists, therefore, have a stronger drive to succeed than the average person. …

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Covert narcissist checklist: 15 Items

covert narcissist hiding

Narcissism is of two types- overt and covert.1 Overt narcissists are your usual, extroverted narcissists who openly display their sense of superiority and lack of empathy. They tend to have a high self-esteem. Covert or vulnerable narcissists, on the other hand, have the same superiority goals, but they manage to keep it under the radar. …

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Narcissistic father checklist: 7 Items

i love dad

If looking at the above image made you feel uncomfortable at worst or nothing at best, there’s a good chance you were raised by a narcissistic father. Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by a lack of empathy, an inflated self-image, and an excessive need for admiration. While all humans tend to have some degree …

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‘Is my partner controlling?’ Quiz

controlling partner

Power dynamics are a natural part of every relationship, especially romantic relationships. For a relationship to work, both parties should be able to share power equally. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. When one person steps on the rights and needs of the other in an attempt to meet their own needs, the relationship becomes …

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