Why you suddenly remember childhood trauma

When you experience a traumatic event, your mind perceives great danger and goes into survival mode. When your mind is in survival mode, your senses sharpen, and you enter into this super-learner mode, trying to understand your current situation as much as possible. The mind tries to learn as much as possible about a traumatic …

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The psychology behind name-calling

Name-calling or labeling is calling someone by degrading and demeaning names. The goal of name-calling is to hurt someone and make them look bad. It can occur in any relationship but is particularly damaging in a romantic relationship. A few incidences of name-calling here and there are forgivable, but if it happens repeatedly, it’s verbal …

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Enmeshment in romantic relationships

In healthy romantic relationships, there’s a balance of closeness and distance. Each partner retains their own identity while also identifying with the relationship to some degree. This interdependence helps partners meet some of their needs themselves, and some are met by their partners. When there’s too much closeness in the relationship, the dynamic becomes unhealthy. …

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9 Fawn responses to narcissistic abuse

When faced with a life-threatening situation, an organism generates the following trauma responses: In certain traumatic situations, fight and flight are not the appropriate responses. Neither is freeze. These are the situations where the organism will display a fawn response. The fawn response to trauma is when someone behaves submissively towards an aggressor, communicating: “I’m …

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9 Trauma bond withdrawal symptoms

A trauma bond is an emotional bond that gets formed between an abuser and their victim. An abusive relationship will rarely be 100% abusive. Usually, there’s a mix of abuse and positive bonding in an overall abusive relationship. This keeps the victim stuck in the trauma bond, hoping to get the next fix of positive …

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10 Signs mania is ending

Mania is a psychological and behavioral state where a person experiences abnormally elevated energy levels. Mania, or manic episode, is usually talked about in the context of bipolar disorder, but it can also occur in other mental health conditions and independently. A toned-down version of mania, hypomania, can occur with or without bipolar disorder. Bipolar …

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Why does life suck so much?

What goes on in the mind of a person who says their life sucks?Does their life really suck, or are they being negative? There’s a lot to clarify in this article. Let’s begin. Let’s start with the basics. Like other organisms, humans have the core biological needs of survival and reproduction. Stated differently, humans want …

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6 Signs of being addicted to a person

Addiction can be defined as experiencing a loss of control when doing an activity leading to repetitive engagement in that activity. When you’re addicted to something, you over-invest your resources (time and energy) into it because you can’t help it. We all know that people tend to get addicted to drugs, alcohol, food, shopping, gambling, …

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