Complex PTSD test
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a recognized mental health condition in which the sufferer experiences intrusive memories, flashbacks, and nightmares about their traumatic event. PTSD is often caused by a one-time traumatic event such as being in a war, accident, …
Irritable Male Syndrome quiz
Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS), or the ‘grumpy old man’ phenomenon, is when older men are constantly angry and irritable. Also called andropause, it’s the male version of menopause. Men with IMS seem to have a short fuse, always complaining and …
Hoovering in BPD: 12 Techniques
The term ‘hoovering’ comes from the popular vacuum cleaning brand. In relationships, hoovering is the tendency of a toxic person to ‘suck in’ their victim back into the toxic relationship dynamic. While it can happen in any relationship, it’s common …
How to find yourself when you are lost
“The biggest danger, that of losing oneself, can pass off in the world as quietly as if it were nothing; every other loss, an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. is bound to be noticed.” – Soren Kierkegaard …
Emotional permanence test
What is emotional permanence? Emotional permanence is defined as the capacity to believe that others love and care about you even when they’re apart or not actively expressing their love and care. It’s believing that others’ feelings for you are …
Emotionally immature parents (Quiz)
Emotional immaturity is acting in ways that show you can’t manage your emotions. We all experience emotions. They’re a double-edged sword. Sometimes, they have a good impact on our lives. Other times, they have negative consequences. Emotional maturity is knowing …