Why you get so angry over little things

man angry over little thing

Anger is one of the most commonly experienced emotions. It’s considered a negative emotion because it doesn’t feel good and can have negative consequences. Like other negative emotions, it signals that something has gone wrong in your …

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8 Stages of anger in psychology

angry man yelling

Anger is an emotion that gets triggered when we feel threatened. The threat could be real or perceived. We’re always angry with an object- another person, a life situation, or even ourselves. Anger varies in intensity. Some events only trigger mild annoyance in us, while others cause us to explode. The more our core biological …

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27 Types of anger to better understand anger

aggressive anger

Anger is an emotion that is triggered when we believe we’ve been wronged. The key word here is ‘believe’ as anger may be a reaction to a real or perceived wrong. Anger is an active emotion in that it prepares us to take action to set things straight again. Anger is the ‘fight’ response to …

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What the angry facial expression looks like

angry expression

In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at the facial expression of anger. First, we’ll look at the specific facial areas involved in the angry facial expression. Then, we’ll look at some example pictures showing this expression in varying degrees. Eyebrows Eyebrows are lowered and drawn together to form a ‘V’ on the lower …

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