Passive-aggressive husband test (15 Items)

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Passive-aggressiveness is a communication style in which a person expresses anger or hostility indirectly. Active aggression would be expressing anger directly.

Passive-aggressive people tend to be conflict-avoidant and rarely express anger. This doesn’t mean they’re not hurt, though.

They’ll get back at those who hurt them in subtle ways. Since passive-aggressive people cannot talk about issues directly and face problems head-on, they tend to build up a lot of resentment.

What causes passive aggression?

Passive aggression usually stems from a person’s childhood experiences. If a person was raised in a household where expressing emotions, including anger, was not encouraged, they’re likely to become passive-aggressive.

Passive aggression may also stem from conflict-free or conflict-ridden homes. In conflict-free homes, the child has no positive associations with conflict. They haven’t learned the benefits of healthy conflict.

In conflict-ridden homes where disputes were dealt with in an unhealthy manner, the child associates pain with conflict. Passive aggressiveness then develops as a pain-avoidance mechanism.

Taking the passive-aggressive husband test

Both men and women can be passive-aggressive in marriages. This test applies equally to a passive-aggressive wife.

If you suspect your husband is passive-aggressive, this test will help you assess the likelihood of that being true.

It contains 15 items on a 4-point scale ranging from Very often to Never. The test is 100% confidential, and your results are only shown to you.

Passive-aggressive husband test

1. Your disagreements with your husband tend to be harsh.

2. He seems kind, polite, and friendly on the outside but is filled with negativity on the inside.

3. He avoids conflict and never gets angry.

4. He isn't direct and honest with his conversations.

5. He lets problems fester and builds up resentment.

6. He lives in denial, lacks responsibility, and acts like a victim.

7. He comes up with perfect excuses for his mistakes.

8. He keeps forgetting and postponing things that are important to you.

9. He sees your usual needs and demands as unfair.

10. He's indecisive and non-assertive.

11. He shuts down conversations saying things like "Whatever" or "Fine".

12. He obstructs your plans and keeps finding faults in them.

13. He agrees to do things but doesn't end up doing them.

14. When he does things for you, he does them inefficiently or incompletely.

15. When he wants things done his way, he resorts to sulking behavior.