What makes a woman attractive to men

Attraction can sometimes be a very complex thing. What one man finds attractive in a woman, another may not. This is especially true when we take into account the psychological make-up of a person, shaped by his past life experiences. But, for the most part, the attraction is mainly determined by certain evolved physical and mental …

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Risk-taking behaviour in men and women

Why are men more prone to engaging in risk-taking behaviour compared to women? I’m sure you’ve seen one of those clips on social media where people, predominantly men, injure themselves doing silly things. Yes, that’s what I’m talking about. In our ancestral times, hunting was a risky but potentially rewarding activity. A successful hunt provided …

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How to stop making silly mistakes in math

This article will focus on why we make silly mistakes in math. Once you understand what’s going on with your mind, you won’t have a hard time figuring out how to avoid silly mistakes in maths. Once, I was solving a math problem while preparing for an exam. Although the concept was clear to me …

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Why do women love shopping?

This article will discuss why women love shopping so much while men barely show any interest in it. Instead, men seem to enjoy things like sports, fishing, and camping more. It was like a typical evening of any modern family. The teenaged boy was tapping on his phone vigorously while his sister kept scrolling on her own device. …

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Evolutionary explanations of food preferences

Consumption of food plays a pivotal role in ensuring the survival and functionality of all organisms- be it a single-celled amoeba, a plant, or a human being. All living organisms are programmed to obtain food from their environments in some way or the other. Besides being programmed to obtain food, humans have also evolved certain …

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We’re all evolved to be hunter-gatherers

Modern homo sapiens evolved around 200,000 years ago and lived mainly as hunter-gatherers. They mostly led nomadic lives moving from place to place in search of food. Their bodies had evolved to make them efficient hunter-gatherers and this continued for thousands of years. Changes in the hunter-gatherer way of life began only recently with respect …

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How evolved psychological mechanisms work

An evolved psychological mechanism is a behavioural program present in an organism that tends to ensure its survival and reproductive success.  Over the period of evolution of an organism, behavioural strategies that enable its successful survival and reproduction get selected and are passed on to succeeding generations. The result is that the behavioural strategies you …

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Evolutionary perspective in psychology

Evolutionary psychology, as the name suggests, is the application of the principles of evolutionary theory to psychology. Before you can understand how an evolutionary perspective can be applied to human behavior, you first need to have a firm grasp on the theory of evolution itself. Theory of evolution  It’s the year 2500 A.D. and mankind …

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7 Signs of attraction based on body language

Body language signs of attraction are signs that people display, often unconsciously, when they’re in the presence of someone they’re attracted to. Wouldn’t it be nice to know whether someone is interested in you before they even talk to you? Yes, it’s possible thanks to body language. With the power of body language, you can …

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Psychology of hit songs (4 keys)

In this article, we’ll discuss the psychology of hit songs. Specifically, how the principles of Psychology can be exploited to make a hit song. I’ll focus on four key concepts- patterns, emotional themes, group identity, and violation of expectations. It’s hard to imagine life without music. Despite music being an integral part of all human …

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