How to find yourself when you are lost

your values

“The biggest danger, that of losing oneself, can pass off in the world as quietly as if it were nothing; every other loss, an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. is bound to be noticed.” – Soren Kierkegaard Identity is a complex topic. It has so many layers to it. If I ask …

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Emotional permanence test

man with emotional impermanence

What is emotional permanence? Emotional permanence is defined as the capacity to believe that others love and care about you even when they’re apart or not actively expressing their love and care. It’s believing that others’ feelings for you are permanent. Emotional permanence increases the sense of trust and security in the relationship. Emotional permanence …

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Emotionally immature parents (Quiz)

emotionally immature mom scared child

Emotional immaturity is acting in ways that show you can’t manage your emotions. We all experience emotions. They’re a double-edged sword. Sometimes, they have a good impact on our lives. Other times, they have negative consequences. Emotional maturity is knowing when your emotions can harm yourself and/or others. Researchers have divided emotional immaturity in parents …

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4 Types of OCD (Test)

ocd hand-washing

What is OCD? Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a recognized mental disorder in which a person suffers from obsessive, fear-based thoughts and compulsions to act out in ways that ease those fears. Obsession means you’re thinking about something over and over. Compulsion means you feel compelled to act in ways that are primarily out of your …

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High-functioning anxiety test (Instant results)

high-functioning anxiety meter

The word disorder in Psychology indicates that a condition is causing significant disruption and dysfunction in a person’s life. So, a person with an anxiety disorder has to battle the dysfunction that their anxiety creates for them.1Doering, S., Blüml, V., Parth, K., Feichtinger, K., Gruber, M., Aigner, M., … & Wininger, A. (2018). Personality functioning …

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Pink cloud depression: What causes it?

The pink cloud syndrome is a phenomenon in addiction recovery where a person experiences euphoria and optimism when they finally get rid of their addiction. Other than feeling joy and extreme optimism, the syndrome is characterized by: Small wins are great and should be celebrated. Those who are pink clouding, however, over-celebrate their small wins. …

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10 Ways people deflect in arguments


It’s common to see two people getting stuck in an argument where one of them says something like: “Answer my question! You’re deflecting!” When humans ask questions, they expect a straightforward answer. They don’t want you beating around the bush because it means extra and unnecessary cognitive processing. While some can handle the meandering, others …

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4 Stages of trauma recovery

traumatized brain

Trauma is experienced when you face or witness a potentially life-threatening experience. A traumatic experience overwhelms the coping system of your mind. While most of us can deal with everyday stressors, a traumatic experience puts us in a state of permanent alert. It is an overactive and lingering stress response. Trauma that is experienced in …

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How to heal disorganized attachment style

disorganized attachment hot and cold

Disorganized attachment, also called the Fearful-Avoidant (FA) attachment style, means that a person simultaneously experiences a desire and fear of close connection in relationships, especially romantic relationships. It’s a type of insecure attachment style. It’s called a ‘disorganized’ attachment style because, unlike other styles, there’s no clear strategy to meet one’s attachment needs in a …

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How to deal with trauma triggers

red hat

A trigger is anything that generates a cognitive, emotional, or behavioral response in us. It’s a stimulus in the environment to which we react mostly automatically. Here, the environment includes not only the external environment (people, places, and things) but also things that happen in the mind and body, i.e., the internal environment (sensations, feelings, …

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