Why we want others to like what we like

You listen to a new song that you like and make your sibling, partner or best friend hear it, often against their will. You watch a brilliant movie or a TV show and go about recommending it to everyone. You read a chilling novel and swear to your friends that they’d be thrilled if they check …

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Why do we do the things we do?

Why do we do what we do?Why do we choose a certain behavior/action over other options?What rules govern our decision-making? Why do we become indecisive at times? Answers to all these questions are contained in a terminology that we’ve borrowed from economics, namely ‘cost/benefit analysis’. In economics, a business decision is made after weighing its potential …

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Why are people control freaks?

control key

Why are some people overly controlling?What causes someone to be a control freak? This article will explore the psychology of controlling people, how fear makes people controlling, and how the behavior of control freaks might change. But first, I want to introduce you to Angela. Angela’s mother was a total control freak. It seemed like …

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Mistaking a stranger for someone you know

Ever had that experience where you see a friend on the street and walk up to greet them, only to realize that they’re a complete stranger? Ever mistaken a total stranger for your crush or lover? What’s funny is that sometimes you realize they’re a stranger after you’ve greeted them and they’ve greeted you back. Even funnier is when …

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How does the freeze response work

freeze response in deer

Many believe our first reaction to stress or impending danger is the fight-or-flight response. But before we take flight or fight, we need time to assess the situation and decide what the best course of action would be to fight or run away. This results in what is known as ‘the freeze response’ and is …

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Self-sabotage behavior explained

self-sabotage behavior

In this article, we discuss self-sabotage behavior, reasons why people engage in this behavior, and common examples of self-sabotaging behaviors. How many times do you hear people telling you, rather sanctimoniously, “Be yourself”? And to complete the famous Oscar Wilde quote, they add, “Everyone else is taken”. Let’s say you decide to heed the advice. …

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The placebo effect in psychology

This article attempts to explain the famous placebo effect in psychology, throwing light on the historical background of the effect. You go to a doctor with a severe headache and fever. After examining you for a while, he gives you some shiny pills and asks you to take them every day after meals. He says …

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What causes identity crisis?

identity crisis pic

This article will throw light on the concept of psychological identity, how it’s related to ego, and the causes of an identity crisis. We have many identities that we acquire from our past experiences and cultural backgrounds. These identities may be broadly classified as positive (the identities we like) and negative (the identities we dislike). …

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Distorted self-image: What causes it?

woman seeing distorted self-image

Our self-image is how we see ourselves. When someone has a distorted self-image, it means how they see themselves is inaccurate. Our self-image or self-concept not only includes our physical appearance but also the beliefs we have about our own abilities, talents, values, etc. However, in this article, my focus will be on physical appearance. …

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Top 7 motivational rock songs to keep you motivated

motivational rock songs

It’s a well-known fact of human behaviour that beliefs become stronger by repetition. Even if a statement wasn’t a belief initially, it can get converted into one if we get exposed to it enough number of times. Beliefs are nothing but memories of the past. If you recall your past memories, you’ll realize that you …

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