Cyclothymia test (20 Items)


Cyclothymia is derived from the Greek “kyklos”, meaning “cycle” and “thymos”, meaning “mood”.

A person with cyclothymia or cyclothymic disorder experiences frequent mood cycles or mood swings.

While it’s normal for people to experience mood swings from time to time, those shifts in the mood don’t typically interfere with day-to-day activities.

When mood swings become severe and more frequent, they interfere with a person’s work life, health, and social life. Intense and frequent mood swings are symptomatic of cyclothymia.

In cyclothymia, a person oscillates between periods of hypomania– a euphoric and energetic state- and minor depression– feeling low.

Cyclothymia vs. Bipolar disorder

When mood swings are less frequent but highly severe, the person has bipolar disorder. Hence, cyclothymia is a milder version of bipolar disorder.

The highs (hypomania) are high but not as high as in bipolar disorder (mania). The lows (minor depression) are low but not as low as major depression in bipolar disorder.

cyclothymia graph

Taking the cyclothymia test

This test has 20 items on a 5-point scale ranging from Strongly agree to Strongly disagree. It has two sub-scales for hypomania and minor depression.

This test is by no means a diagnosis. It indicates the probability of cyclothymia. If you believe your mood swings are significantly disrupting your life, you’re advised to seek professional help.

The test is entirely confidential, and we don’t store the results in our database.

Cyclothymia test

1. When I'm feeling good, I become overly optimistic.

2. When I feel high, I throw away my inhibitions.

3. When I feel energized, thoughts race in my head, and I can't stop talking.

4. When I feel high, I'm easily distracted.

5. When I'm in a good mood, I become overly confident, and my self-esteem inflates.

6. When I feel energized, I have too much energy to sleep.

7. I'm highly focused on my goals when I feel high.

8. When I feel high, I become impulsive and engage in risky behaviors.

9. When I feel energized, I become hyperactive and can't sit still.

10. During my high moments, I become emotionally unstable and overreact to events.

11. When I'm feeling low, I feel fatigued and sluggish.

12. My sleep and weight get disturbed when I'm feeling low.

13. When I'm in a low mood, I no longer enjoy the activities I usually find enjoyable.

14. I feel upset and tearful when I'm feeling low.

15. I lack motivation, meaning, and purpose during my low moments.

16. I become restless when I hit a low point in my life.

17. I think about suicide when I'm feeling low.

18. I feel isolated, pessimistic, guilty, and unworthy when I'm at a low point.

19. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and emptiness overtake me when I'm in a bad mood.

20. A low mood impairs my judgment, planning, and problem-solving abilities.