How to overcome the fear of failure

Many motivational speakers and self-help gurus lambast the fear of failure as if it’s some kind of a curse on humanity. Hardly anyone ever points out why we have this fear in the first place and, dare I say, the potential benefits of having this fear.  I’m strongly against lambasting human emotions because that way you rob …

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Why do I have fake friends?

Have you ever caught yourself wondering if the people you call friends are really your friends? Do you know who your real friends are? How do you identify fake friends vs real friends? Have you ever complained: “He only talks to me when he needs me” or “I only exist when you need something”? Apparently, …

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Answering multiple choice questions (using psychology)

This article will discuss how to answer multiple choice questions using psychology-related concepts. I have appeared in numerous multiple-choice type tests over the course of my educational career. When you do the same thing over and over you understand new things about it or at least look at it in a different way.  I noticed …

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How to lucid dream for beginners

This article is a brief guide on how to lucid dream for beginners, discussing key techniques that you can use to see your first lucid dream. Lucid dreams are dreams in which you realize that you’re dreaming. You become super aware of your surroundings are able to modify them as you wish to some degree. …

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How to achieve long-term goals

If you’ve been struggling to achieve your long-term goals, you’re not alone. Most people are like this because it’s the default way our brains are wired. All it takes to understand how to achieve long-term goals is a simple shift in mindset. With the help of this article, I hope to create that shift in …

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How to stop making silly mistakes in math

This article will focus on why we make silly mistakes in math. Once you understand what’s going on with your mind, you won’t have a hard time figuring out how to avoid silly mistakes in maths. Once, I was solving a math problem while preparing for an exam. Although the concept was clear to me …

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Psychology of hit songs (4 keys)

In this article, we’ll discuss the psychology of hit songs. Specifically, how the principles of Psychology can be exploited to make a hit song. I’ll focus on four key concepts- patterns, emotional themes, group identity, and violation of expectations. It’s hard to imagine life without music. Despite music being an integral part of all human …

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3 Ways to get into flow while working

This article will introduce the concept of flow state and suggest ways to get into the flow state while you’re working. Ever had that experience where you were so engrossed in a task that nothing else seemed to matter and you lost track of time? And even though to an outsider it appeared that you were …

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Ego gratification (and other psychological needs)

The way to figure people out is by figuring out their core psychological needs. Needs may be general or individual. For instance, the need for survival is a general human need but it tells you nothing of value about a person’s unique psychological make-up. On the other hand, individual needs that are shaped by a person’s past experiences tell you a …

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How to not care what others think

Is it really possible to not care what others think of you? Many people claim they are free from caring what others think and approval-seeking but are they really? First of all, there’s a very important point that I want to draw your attention to. As a general rule, we only think and talk about …

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