27 Types of anger to better understand anger

aggressive anger

Anger is an emotion that is triggered when we believe we’ve been wronged. The key word here is ‘believe’ as anger may be a reaction to a real or perceived wrong. Anger is an active emotion in that it prepares us to take action to set things straight again. Anger is the ‘fight’ response to …

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Fear of responsibility and its causes

taking responsibility

Fear of responsibility is an irrational fear of taking responsibility. Also called hypengyophobia (Greek ‘hypengos’ means ‘responsibility’), people who have a fear of responsibility avoid responsibilities, even at a significant cost to themselves and others. Such people are trapped in their comfort zones and avoid taking the risks that most responsibilities entail. People can fear …

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Stages of navigating grief and loss

Being able to understand and identify the stages of navigating grief can help one cope with it. Grief occurs as a result of the loss of something that’s valuable to us. It may be the loss of our health, a loved one, a pet, a job, a relationship, anything. Humans display a range of interesting …

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Why do people faint in response to a threat?

Have you ever wondered why people faint? What’s going on when a person falls unconscious? Imagine you’re alone in a jungle and you sense a predator nearby. This event can trigger a series of fear responses in you that are designed to help you survive. When you first sense the predator, you’ll likely freeze and …

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3 Stages of love in psychology

3 stages in love psychology

This article will discuss the 3 stages of love in psychology i.e. lust, attraction and attachment. We’ll go into detail about the physiological and psychological changes that happen in you as you progress through these stages. Love has baffled poets, mystics, philosophers, and scientists for ages. It’s a central theme in many movies, songs, novels, …

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Why haters hate the way they hate

All of us have been on the receiving end of hatred at some point in our lives. No matter how nice you think you are, I’m sure you’ve got some haters too- haters that you know of and haters that you don’t know of, at least not yet. In this article, we explore the psychology of haters. Hatred and psychological pain …

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How to get rid of bad mood

Bad moods feel so bad you want to get rid of them as soon as you get them. They seem to come out of nowhere, mess with our lives and then leave at their own whim. Just when we begin to think we’re finally free from their clutches, they visit us again, as if to ensure …

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Fear facial expression analyzed

facial expression of fear

In this article, we’ll analyze the facial expressions of fear and surprise. We’ll look at how the different facial areas appear in these two emotions. The facial expressions of fear and surprise are very similar and, hence, often confused with each other. When you’re done with this article, you’ll be able to recognize the facial …

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What the angry facial expression looks like

angry expression

In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at the facial expression of anger. First, we’ll look at the specific facial areas involved in the angry facial expression. Then, we’ll look at some example pictures showing this expression in varying degrees. Eyebrows Eyebrows are lowered and drawn together to form a ‘V’ on the lower …

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Feeling out of sorts? 4 Reasons why it happens

feeling out of sorts

What’s behind feeling lost and out of sorts? You know, that emotional state you’re in where you feel your life’s out of order. Your friend gives you a call asking you to hang out, but you say you’re not in the mood. What does not being in a mood mean? Your current emotional state is …

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