Why are relationships so hard? 13 Reasons

Everywhere you look, people seem to be having trouble with their relationships. What’s going on?Why are relationships so full of problems and conflicts?Why are relationships so hard for people? There are challenges in relationships at every stage, from courtship to parenting. For a relationship to thrive, both partners must navigate these challenges successfully. This article …

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Psychology of staring at a woman

Why do we stare? Humans are, by nature, curious creatures. We like to look at novel things. Anything in our environment that is out of the ordinary is eye-catching. This is why people like going to cinemas and circuses- to see strange and unusual stuff. “Trust me. The movie is one of a kind. You …

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What does lack of affection do to a woman?

Humans are wired to give and receive affection. It’s how we bond as a social species. Affectionate behavior makes the recipient of that behavior feel seen, validated, wanted, and loved. Physical affection is a major component of affectionate behavior. Although, one can also give affection verbally in the form of praise, appreciation, confessing feelings, etc. …

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14 Big signs of giving up on life

How does someone come to a point where they want to give up in life?Why do some people seem like they’ve already given up on life? We all have goals and dreams. Many of these goals, like being in a good relationship, are genetically programmed into us. So for the most part, we don’t even …

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Psychology behind hanging up on someone

Imagine you’re talking to someone in a room. The other person gets angry over something you say. How do you know? You notice the angry stare they give you, their flared nostrils, and clenched fists. They frown for some time and storm out of the room without saying anything, slamming the door behind them. You …

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7 Signs someone is projecting onto you

Projection in psychology means projecting your own mental states and traits onto others- traits that they don’t possess. Just as a movie projector projects moving images from a reel onto a screen, people project what’s going in their minds (reel) onto others (screen). The screen itself is blank. Projection is of two types: A) Positive …

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When you just don’t care anymore

Why do we stop caring? The answer to that question lies in the understanding of why we care. When we care about something, we give our attention, energy, time, and interest to it. Why? To get something in return.  After all, attention, energy, time, and interest are all precious resources. We don’t want to squander …

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Why do I feel like a burden?

Humans are social species who have reciprocity baked into their psyche. Most people want to contribute to their society because doing so raises them in the eyes of others, thereby raising their self-esteem. A society in which members contribute to each other survives and thrives, benefitting each member. It increases the cohesiveness of the group. …

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Why do I instinctively dislike someone?

It makes sense to dislike someone when they’ve done something wrong to you. But why would you dislike someone who hasn’t wronged you in any way? You know you have no reason to hate them, but still do. What’s going on? The first thing to know about this phenomenon is that there’s no such thing …

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