Why new lovers keep talking on the phone endlessly

“I think about you all the time.”“I want to be with you all the time.”“I like talking to you all the time.” These are among the common sentences that you hear in romantic songs, poems, movies, and from love-struck people in real life. Love makes people say and do things that seem irrational or even downright stupid. …

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How to overcome the fear of failure

Many motivational speakers and self-help gurus lambast the fear of failure as if it’s some kind of a curse on humanity. Hardly anyone ever points out why we have this fear in the first place and, dare I say, the potential benefits of having this fear.  I’m strongly against lambasting human emotions because that way you rob …

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Why do I have fake friends?

Have you ever caught yourself wondering if the people you call friends are really your friends? Do you know who your real friends are? How do you identify fake friends vs real friends? Have you ever complained: “He only talks to me when he needs me” or “I only exist when you need something”? Apparently, …

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Stages of group development (5 stages)

This article will explore how groups form and disintegrate in the context of the stages of group development. In Human Resources Management, there’s this 5-stage model of group development that was put forward by Bruce Tuckman. I’ve always been interested in group dynamics and group development and behaviour. I found this model useful in explaining …

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Answering multiple choice questions (using psychology)

This article will discuss how to answer multiple choice questions using psychology-related concepts. I have appeared in numerous multiple-choice type tests over the course of my educational career. When you do the same thing over and over you understand new things about it or at least look at it in a different way.  I noticed …

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Why do people repeat themselves over and over

Have you ever wondered why people keep repeating the same thing in conversations over and over? If you’re anything like me, you can’t ignore the content of conversations because you know that language can be a window to the mind. People repeat what they say for a number of reasons in a variety of contexts. …

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How biological clock influences psychology

Many of our behaviors that seem random are, in fact, dependent on what time of the day it is. Our body can’t function properly without keeping track of time. So how does the body keep track of time? The biological clock A scientist once lived in an underground cave for days to conduct a series …

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Psychology of sexual harassment

This article will explore the psychology of sexual harassment, throwing light on why sexual harassment is committed by men more often and how it’s linked to power. Sexual harassment or sexual coercion occurs when someone tries to gain sexual favors from another person without their consent. While this can happen to both sexes, male-on-female sexual …

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Why mindfulness doesn’t work

In the last decade or so, the practice of mindfulness at work has gained immense popularity in self-help and therapy circles. There are innumerable articles, courses, and books on the topic and a group that seems to be the most in need of being mindful is the workforce. The goal of mindfulness is to shift …

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Monogamy vs polygamy: What is natural?

This article will focus on monogamy vs polygamy, throwing light on each of these mating behaviors in humans. There have been endless debates on the topic of whether humans are monogamous or polygamous by nature. There are sound arguments for both polygamy and monogamy with regards to human mating so the answer probably lies somewhere …

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