Wringing hands body language meaning

The ‘wringing hands’ body language gesture is where a person squeezes one hand with the other repeatedly or alternately, or both. Usually, the knuckles of one hand get pressed between the palm and the fingers of the other hand. Other times, the person rubs their entire hand as if they were washing it. In other …

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Fear of change (9 Causes & Ways to overcome)

Fear of change is a common phenomenon in humans. Why do humans fear change so much? Once you understand what’s going on in your mind that makes you fear change, you can better curb this tendency in yourself. In this article, we’ll discuss in-depth what causes fear of change and then look at some realistic …

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How to annoy a passive-aggressive person

A passive-aggressive person is one who tends to adopt a passive-aggressive communication style. When someone’s rights are stepped on or when their goals are frustrated by others, they can either behave: Both passive-aggression and assertiveness lie in the middle ground between passivity and aggression, the two extremes, but they differ in a key aspect. While …

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How to respond to indifference

Indifference simply means not caring. When someone is indifferent toward you, they’re showing they don’t care about you. Caring for others is an investment in others. Therefore, indifference can be seen as a way to withdraw or decrease investment from someone. In this article, we’ll discuss signs of indifference, what causes indifference, and how to …

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How to deal with rigid people (7 Effective tips)

Rigid people are people with inflexible thoughts and behavior patterns. Being rigid in one’s thinking is the very opposite of being open-minded. Rigid people are resistant to new ideas, ways of being, and ways of behaving. As a result, they learn little and they grow little. They have a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset. …

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Primary and secondary emotions (With examples)

Researchers have tried to classify emotions for decades. Yet, there’s very little agreement on what classification is accurate. Forget the classification of emotions, there’s disagreement even on the appropriate definition of emotion. Before we talk about primary and secondary emotions, let’s first define emotions. I like to keep things simple, so I’ll give you the …

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Body language: Stretching arms above head

Stretching the arms above the head body language gesture is often accompanied by yawning i.e., stretching facial muscles whilst opening the mouth. And accompanied by deep, slow inhalation followed by quick exhalation. Yawning and stretching arms can occur independently, but when they occur together, the gesture is called pandiculation. Pandiculation is an involuntary gesture where …

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False humility: 5 Reasons for faking humility

Humility can be defined as being free from pride and arrogance. Society values humility as a personality trait. Hence, people have the incentive to display humility to be seen as valuable by others. This leads some to display humility when, in fact, they don’t really feel humble. False humility is displaying humility when you’ve got …

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Jumping to conclusions: Why we do it and how to avoid it

Jumping to conclusions is a cognitive distortion or a cognitive bias whereby a person reaches an unwarranted conclusion based on minimal information. Humans are jumping to conclusion machines prone to making quick judgements that are often wrong. Humans jump to conclusions using heuristics or mental shortcuts based on rules of thumb, emotion, experience, and memory …

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How to validate someone (The right way)

Humans are ultra-social species who crave validation from each other. Social validation is the glue that keeps human relationships together. Put simply, being validated means being acknowledged, and being invalided means being dismissed. Before we can discuss how to validate someone, it’s important to realize that humans seek validation in several areas. Most experts focus …

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